Monday, September 13, 2010

Those kind of people

Yes, we are some of those people. Dog stroller people. You know the kind.

This is Quincy, one of our foster pugs with Mid-Atlantic Pug Rescue. He is 11 and has been with rescue since March 2009. He's blind, has cancer and dementia. 
Photo by Erin Kass
But don't feel too sorry for this little man. He's doing alright. He eats well, is pretty healthy for all of his issues and has a very high tail wag index. He gets his exercise in the pool during the summer months, but hasn't had much opportunity to get out in the winter. Sure, there's the yard, but you get tired of the same old smells in the yard. 
The Quincy Pug in his new wheels

So mom got him a stroller. It's big enough that Isabelle can hop in when she gets tired (half a block) but not really bulky. It's black with pink trim, shh, don't tell Quincy. It's not the same as a walk, but it's better than being stuck in the house when everyone else gets to go out and play. 
So far, he likes it.
And if helps, it was on sale. 


  1. We love Qunicys wheels!!! I bet he is going to love going out with girls on walks now. And he looks so cute sitting at the table too.

    Sequoia and Tuni and Jenn

  2. Quincy is a lucky pug for sure! Mack can't go on long walks or at least doesn't like to go far and Quincy wheels would be perfect for him!

    Drools and licks,
    Minnie and sometimes Mack

  3. Perfect way for Quincy to join in getting outside with everyone else!

  4. Those kind of people are pretty awesome. Especially Quincy. I love me some Quincy.

    And I would soooo ride in a stroller :)

    Minnie Moo and Lincoln too
