Mom came home from work and immediately put on pajamas.
That's our night. She's going to make pizza and promised that we'd get the crusts!
2013 hasn't been the most awesome year, but it hasn't been the worst either. Being sick took up a lot of the year, then the exam process was really rough. In October, mom lost a dear, wonderful friend, too. In the good column, she did pass two exams so those are out of the way. Tallulah seems to be doing well on Prozac and her poop issues are on again, off again which is better than always on. Isabelle is still going strong. Petunia is still her rotten self but healthy. Mom also got a new job which means she comes home at lunch every day to let us out. She likes where she works which is always a wonderful thing.
We don't do resolutions but we do have goals. Mom wants to improve her financial health and her physical health. That should include more walks for us. We want more treats, more lap time and more trips to the dog park. Isabelle wants a burger every month instead of just on her birthday and Gotcha days. Heck, she'll be 14, she's earned it!
We wish each and everyone of you a safe and peaceful New Year's Eve. It's supposed to be cold here (for us anyway) so maybe the idiots with the fireworks will stay inside. We are going to snore in the new year.
Here's hoping 2014 brings you health, wealth and happiness!